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Faculty Development Seminars

Virtual lecture series on pertinent topics related to career development and support for Faculty Members.  Once a month on Mondays at 12pm.

9/16/2024 | How to optimize the experience of everyone on your team while running a busy clinical service | Dr. Maria Theodorou
10/14/2024 | Faculty Compensation | Dr. Ioannis Papagiannis and Elizabeth Fankhanel
11/11/2024 | Mentor Mentee | Dr. Kenzie Cameron
12/9/2024 | Addressing Social Determinants of Health in your Clinical Practice | Dr. Muriel Jean-Jacques 
1/13/2025 | Peer Coaching | Dr. Kiran Nimmagadda & Dr. Vera Rigolin
2/10/2025 | Mentoring Circle: Mid-Career Faculty - Thriving at Mid-Career | Dr. Ben Freed, Dr. Nirmala Gonsalves, Dr. Diane Wayne, Dr. A.Charlotta Weaver & Dr. John Wilkins 
3/10/2025 | Taking an industry clinical trial from CDA to close out | Dr. Anju Peters 
4/14/2025 | Mentoring Circle: Community Engagement | Dr. Namratha Kandula, Dr. John Pandolfino & Dr. Marianne Tschoe
5/12/2025 | AI in the Clinical Arena | Dr. David Liebovitz & Dr. Jeffrey Linder
6/9/2025 | Mentoring Circle: Wellness in Action | Dr. Rachel Amdur, Dr. Jennifer Bierman, Dr. Maya Defoe & Dr. Daniel Ganger 


View Previous Recorded Talks Here


To learn more about our lectures or if you have questions please contact Joan Sharkey-Draves  



 Previous Talks 2021

 Previous Talks 2020