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Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Program Photo Gallery


A scientist describes an experiment to two interns in the laboratory
A technician demonstrates cell culture technique at a biosafety cabinet while an intern watches
Two postdoctoral fellows and a graduate student demonstrate techniques for two interns in the laboratory
A scientist supervises an intern performing an experiment in the laboratory
Two physician faculty members lead a Lunch and Learn session on applying to medical school
One intern demonstrates a technique as two other interns watch in the laboratory
One intern operates a fluorescence microscope while another intern looks at the computer screen
An intern demonstrates a technique for two other interns in the laboratory
One intern points to her notebook while showing another intern how to perform a Bradford assay
An intern points points to her poster while presenting at the Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Symposium
An intern explains her project while presenting her poster at the Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Symposium
2023 Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Program interns, mentors, and Principal Investigators


A scientist demonstrates a technique for two interns in the laboratory
An intern looks into a microscope
Two interns work at their computers
An intern presents his poster at the Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Symposium
An intern points to her poster while presenting at the Kimberly Querrey Research Symposium
2022 Kimberly Querrey Summer Research Program interns, mentors, and Principal Investigators


Zoom screenshot showing interns, mentors, and other Pulmonary Division faculty, students, and staff on Presentation Day
Zoom screenshot showing a slide on Presentation Day titled "What is COVID-19?"
Zoom screenshot showing a slide on Presentation Day titled "Evidence for Pyroptosis"
Zoom screenshot showing a slide on Presentation Day titled "SARS-CoV-2 virus vs COVID-19"


An intern gives her "RAPid" oral presentation at the Summer Research Symposium
Interns present their posters at the Summer Research Symposium
Interns present their posters at the Summer Research Symposium
An intern presents his poster at the Summer Research Symposium


Brightfield microscopy image of lung cancer tissue with immunohistochemistry staining for TTF-1
Fluorescence microscopy image of lung cancer cells with green fluorescence protein and immunolabeling for keratin 8 in red